1. [DOC] Digital content contracts for consumers - Research Explorer
It contains the comparative analysis of the 11 country reports, which were the subject of Report I – Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, ...
2. Full Programme - DAFx24 - University of Surrey
This paper proposes a real-time implementation of a linear-phase octave graphic equalizer (GEQ), previously introduced by the same authors.
Tutorial 1: Design strategies and techniques to better support collaborative, egalitarian and sustainable musical interfaces Tutorial 1: Design strategies and techniques to better support collaborative, egalitarian and sustainable musical interfacesDr. Anna Xambó Sedó (Queen Mary University of London) Abstract: A common challenge in the community of designing audio effects and algorithms to synthesise musical instruments is what are the design considerations to accommodate interaction experiences relevant to musicians, particularly among a diverse community of practitioners. This hands-on tutorial will cover some theoretical and practical foundations for designing interfaces for digital sound instruments and effects looking at how best to support collaborative, egalitarian and sustainable spaces.
3. Digital Health related articles within papers published in EHJ
Your access to the latest cardiovascular news, science, tools and resources.
4. Einführungs- und Abschiedsvorlesungen
Videoaufzeichnungen der Einführungs- und Abschiedsvorlesungen an der ETH Zürich / Recordings of inaugural and farewell lectures at ETH Zurich.
Videoaufzeichnungen der Einführungs- und Abschiedsvorlesungen an der ETH Zürich / Recordings of inaugural and farewell lectures at ETH Zurich. Weitere Videoaufzeichnungen von Einführungs- und Abschiedsvorlesungen sind in http://www.nebis.ch erschlossen und im Bildarchiv unter http://www.ethbib.ethz.ch/bildarchiv/index.html vor Ort zugänglich.
5. Current and Emerging Methods for Ovarian Cancer Screening and ...
... history, familial background, lifestyle, and/or other clinical features. The ... Rieber A., Nüssle K., Stöhr I., Grab D., Fenchel S., Kreienberg R ...
See AlsoHenning Carlsen Ai MovieOvarian high-grade serous carcinoma (HGSC) has a 5-year survival rate of less than 50%, making it one of the most lethal gynecological cancers for women in the developed world today. Delayed presentation of clinical symptoms and late-stage diagnosis ...
6. [PDF] Canadian English: A Linguistic Reader - Queen's University
Although the historical record shows the English as world-beaters, fending off the Dutch ... sound of part of our history. It can be recognized at a ...
7. Automatic Equalization for Individual Instrument Tracks Using ...
23 jul 2024 · ... Simon Rieber, Shahan Nercessian. Text Classification; Summarization; Feature Extraction; Text Generation; Text2Text Generation; Audio-to-Audio ...
8. Sumner Welles [8CGmai] - Kai Franzke GmbH
21 uur geleden · ... Rieber. Beginners Guide to DOS|Dan Gookin. Ballads and Lays from ... The History of the Parliament of England: Which Began November 3 ...
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9. [PDF] Style Transfer of Audio Effects with Differentiable Signal Processing
Florian MockenhauptJoscha Simon RieberS. Nercessian. Computer Science ... IEEE International Conference on Acoustics… 2021. TLDR. A data-driven approach to ...
10. [PDF] The Effect of Audio and Animation in Multimedia Instruction
& Simon, 1973). This cognitive architecture implies that the biggest ... (Rieber, 1989, 1990, 1991: Rieber, Boyce, & Assad. 1990). Rieber postulat ...